Baseball team pacing for upcoming spring season

George Gera, Correspondent

The Marywood baseball team is not letting the harsh winter weather hold them back from preparing for the upcoming season.

While most Marywood students were on spring break, the Pacers were in Florida playing their first four games of the season.

The players spent most of their time at the baseball field, but they also spent time together as a team, while in Florida.

According to Head Coach Jerry Davis, the trip is a good opportunity to unite new and old members of the team. “The Florida trip allows the team to come together and creates team unity,” said Davis.

The baseball team began conditioning last fall, but only for a short time. According to NCAA rules, teams are allowed 16 days of play in the fall season–15 days of practice and one game. After the 16-day period, the team could not play again until January, when they started preparing for the 2014 season.

The team met for conditioning at 6 a.m. for two weeks. According to Zack Klein, junior business major and third baseman, the conditioning consisted of running and agility drills.

“The conditioning focuses on the whole body and getting in in-season shape,” said Klein.

Sophomore utility player Daniel Hull said that after conditioning, the team got into doing baseball work, such as fielding and batting. The pitchers began throwing pitches, too.

Last year, Hull received the Colonial States Athletic Conference Honorable Mention award.

“The award was more pleasing to my parents than it was to me,” said Hull. “I’m not big on my own achievements, but it felt good. I’ll do anything for my team.”

His advice to his younger and newer teammates this season is to not be nervous because they are playing a game they have been playing for years.

“Play for the love of the game,” he said.

According to Coach Davis, the team’s goals this season is to become a playoff team in the Colonial States Athletic Conference Championship.

The team’s hard work comes from their desire to achieve their goals. Klein said if he can choose one word to describe Marywood baseball it would be competitive.

“The whole team likes to play hard and when we all come together, our competitive nature comes out,” said Klein.