Alcohol screening to be held on Tuesday

March 16, 2015
On Tuesday, March 17, the Counseling/Student Development Center (C/SDC), along with Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services (DATS) of Lackawanna County, will hold an alcohol screening day in the Fireplace Lounge in Nazareth Student Center from 11:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
This screening will allow anyone concerned with his or her drinking habits, or anyone who has been referred by friends and family, to be evaluated. It is free and confidential.
Kevin McLaughlin, executive director of the county DATS, is very happy he can partner with Marywood’s C/SDC to help its students.
“We are excited to participate every year because it is a unique and very special day on a university campus,” said McLaughlin. “Creating such awareness and affording the opportunity to students to receive a quick assessment so they can examine their own alcohol use is an invaluable tool as they move forward not only in school but as they prepare for the future.”
Sarah Lynn Davis, graduate assistant in the C/SDC, hopes students take this opportunity if any of them have alcohol consumption issues.
“Being given the opportunity to provide free confidential screenings to students gives all of us the chance to positively impact the future of individuals who are currently struggling, or are more susceptible to alcohol-related issues and disorders. Due to the nature of alcohol-related disorders, many individuals are unaware or ashamed to get help for their problem and are unsure of where to turn,” said Davis.
Davis further stressed how the screenings can be helpful for every student.
“Anyone who wants to learn more about alcohol use, abuse, and dependence; is concerned with themselves, a family member, or friend; or anyone who is in support of raising awareness and help individuals who struggle with alcohol related issues. All are welcome and encouraged to attend,” said Davis.
The event will include free food, free mocktails, prizes and games.