Who’s Who on Campus: Dr. Paul Ballard

Photo credit/ Courtesy of the Marywood website
Dr. Paul Ballard is the new Assistant Provost of Student Success. Before coming to Marywood, he served as the Associate Dean of Student Success and Retention at St. Norbert’s College in Wisconsin.
With the Student Success team pushing to modernize its effort as well as the campus’ policies, a new, experienced face offers a fresh perspective.
Dr. Paul Ballard joined the Marywood administration in February as Assistant Provost of Student Success, a new position in the Office of Student Success. The previous person to hold a comparable role was Meaghan Cruciani, Assistant Vice President for Student Success. She left Marywood in 2019.
Upon assuming the position, Ballard said he feels confident about the new position as well as the new campus.
“I have a wonderful staff around me who always put students first, [who] go out of their way to make sure students are successful; it’s good to have a good team around me, to also have the leadership of Sr. Mary and Dr. Clark, as provost,” said Ballard.
Before Ballard joined Marywood, he worked at St. Norbert’s College in Wisconsin as the Associate Dean for Student Success and Retention, as well as the Director of Leadership Studies. He also oversaw the Registrar’s Office, Tutoring and Academic Coaching, Disability Services and Academic Advisement.
As the first Assistant Provost for Student Success at Marywood, Ballard is tasked with helping to enroll students and ensure that they have the needed resources on campus. Furthermore, he is responsible for helping to ensure that classes are easily accessible for students, and that every student at Marywood is successful.
Provost Dr. Christina Clark also added that Student Success’ future endeavors include making Marywood a more diverse campus, with plans for encouraging and empowering students of minority backgrounds, first-generation students and students with disabilities.
“Paul is very interested in looking at our processes—making sure that they are working to the best degree possible together, so that we can prevent student problems before they get to the point where a student is in real trouble,” said Clark.
Ballard said he has enjoyed his time at Marywood so far and is excited about moving forward.
“[I’m looking forward to] really ensuring that the campus, not only in the physical space but in the virtual space, is accessible for students, to make sure that we have the correct support around students when they need help, but also really reducing some of the barriers, both in our policies and our practices.”
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Carter Cerretani is a senior Multimedia major pursuing an Animation minor and is the arts and entertainment editor for The Wood Word. When he isn’t studying,...