Who’s Who on Campus: Meet Vice President of Finance and Administration William McDonald

Photo credit/ Elizabeth Deroba

Vice President of Finance and Administration William McDonald sits in his office in the Liberal Arts Center. McDonald started in his new position in July.

After nearly four decades of experience in higher education, William McDonald has joined Marywood’s community with a distinct set of ideas about how to improve Marywood’s future.

McDonald became Marywood’s new vice president for Finance and Administration in early July. He was hired to take over for the department’s previous leader, Patrick Castellani, who retired.

The adjustment from his past institution to Marywood’s campus has been quite productive. After just three months, McDonald has begun to roll out brand new plans for the university’s finances.

McDonald’s responsibilities in the Fiscal Office include the budget, bills and auditing as well as working with human resources on payroll.

“One of the key things that I initially was discussing in the interview process was developing a multi-year financial plan,” said McDonald. “I say that because it is something the institution hasn’t done for years.”

McDonald presented a strategy for the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year that includes a five-year financial plan to ensure the success of Marywood’s future.

Fiscal Services Office Controller Melissa Saddlemire works closely with McDonald and sees his work first hand.

“He is looking at some different areas that we might be able to tweak a little bit,” said Saddlemire, “He wants to make some improvements, such as expense reduction and revenue.”

Saddlemire said that McDonald is approaching the office’s financial strategies in innovative ways, directly contributing to his plans for Marywood’s forward progression.

In addition to his ideas, Saddlemire said McDonald expresses great support for those who report to him.

“He is extremely hard working and very personable and approachable,” said Saddlemire. “He always holds an open-door policy. This transition has been relatively easy because of his personality.”

Before Marywood, McDonald called New Jersey’s Bloomfield College his home for over 40 years. After graduating in 1984 from Bloomfield, he began his career in their Students Accounts Receivable department. From there, he climbed the ranks to become Bloomfield’s vice president for Finance and Administration, the same position he holds at Marywood.

“You could say that college has been the best 41 years of my life, between going to school and working there,” said McDonald.

In the months leading up to his hiring at Marywood, McDonald sought to find a workplace that best suited his needs. Coming from a long run at his alma mater, he struggled to discover an institution that felt right, but after some deliberation, Marywood emerged as the best choice for him and his family.

“Marywood checked off all those boxes,” said McDonald.

McDonald said he is excited to continue his adjustment to Marywood’s campus, especially now that COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted to a degree, as he is finally able to meet new people and experience some Marywood traditions.

“Though it seems like its been a very short time, [the most enjoyable part] has been meeting different people,” said McDonald, “This is a wonderful school, with the culture here, the individuals and the students.”

Contact the writers: ockaschak@m.marywood.edu, eederoba@m.marywood.edu