Rather than traditional film trailers before the feature, instead a series of ironic and satirical comments, quotes, and trivia were displayed across the screen, accompanied by classic Halloween-themed songs like “Monster Mash.” Once the event began, audiences were introduced to the three stars Nelson, Murphy, and Corbett who shuffled like zombies on to the Belcourt theaters stage, where they each introduced themselves. “Well greetings to you all here in Nashville and across the country who are watching us right now live,” Murphy, voice of Tom Servo from MST3K, said. Nelson added, “We have some top-notch riffing tonight…”
Before the actual film began, the group took part in a RiffTrax tradition titled “Norman Krasner.” “For those who have not seen previous RiffTrax Live shows,” Nelson explained, “the Norman shorts are very puzzling to us…We don’t know who made them, but we know he is a miserable man.” The Norman Krasner episodes are short-length riff commentaries which feature a man with terrible luck.
After the Norman Krasner shorts were completed, the film “Night of the Living Dead” began. For the next 90 minutes, the theater was filled with hilarious remarks and comments accompanied with non-stop laughter from the audience. Every ridiculous scene,plot-hole, or mistake was noted, giving each comedian plenty of material to ridicule.
RiffTraxLive will hold their next event at Dec. 5, featuring the film “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.” The event will again be held at Cinemark and Regal Cinemas. Tickets can be purchased through Fathom Events at fathomevents.com.
For more information or to purchase RiffTrax merchandise, visit rifftrax.com