Through a friendship with underground kingpin Reiner (Bardem), his mysterious girlfriend Malkina (Diaz), and his associate Westray (Pitt), the Counselor attempts to fulfill his desires by delving into the world of drug trafficking. Though all goes well at first, when the cargo inexplicably vanishes, the Counselor and his contacts are suspected and must prove their innocence or disappear.
On paper, “The Counselor” had all the aspects of a hit film: an all-star cast, an acclaimed director, a good concept. Unfortunately, despite these promising notions, “The Counselor” manages to fail on almost every level.
One of the film’s greatest downfalls is the lack of fleshed out characters. Despite the heavy casting plastered on every single poster,with the exception of the Counselor, each character’s scenes are too scattered throughout the film, prohibiting the audience from seeing any real development between them.
Another major setback is the overabundance of explicit material in the movie. When making a film about drug cartels and things of that nature, violence and sexual content is to be expected. However, the amount of vividly graphic sexual material is too often and far too outrageous to be taken seriously.
With a critically acclaimed director Ridley Scott, one would think this film would be a guaranteed success. Films like “Alien,” “Blade Runner,” and “Black Hawk Down” all had major impacts on cinema today, yet none of that originality and promise is seen in this film. Instead, the movie plays as a traditional thriller, adding unnecessary twists and turns wherever possible, leading up to one of the most lackluster endings of the year.
I’m giving “The Counselor” 2/5 kernels.