Improv Beyond sends off founder at Spring Show
Photo credit/ Katlynn Whitaker
Paul Capoccia and Terry Thompson perform in Improv Beyond’s Spring Show.
April 19, 2015
On Friday April 17, Marywood’s improv group, Improv Beyond, presented their spring show. The show was held in The Black Box Theatre in the Sette LaVerghetta Center for Performing Arts.
Improv Beyond hosts a show every semester in the fall and spring. This year’s spring show will be the group’s fifth show since the group began in 2012.
According to the group’s President Nick Grevera, a junior theater major, the shows are set up similar to the television show, “Whose Line is it Anyway.” The group’s seven performers play improv games in front of an audience and encourage audience participation.
“I like to describe it as the group having its own personality as a whole, so whichever games they prefer, [the] duration, location, stuff like that—put it all together for the final show,” said Dan Huy, the groups founder, and a graduate student in clinical psychology.
This year, the group played two new games, one called “Zap,” and the other called “World’s Worst.” In the “World’s Worst,” the actors exemplified someone doing the worst job at a particular occupation.
In “Zap,” one of the improv player’s acted like they were stationed in front of a television with a remote control. The rest of the performers then pretended to be the television program, and change when the “channel” switches, at the request of the player with the remote.
This spring show, also happened to be Improv Beyond’s founder Dan Huy’s last. Huy will be graduating this May. As part of his farewell, Huy started the show with a cold open. A cold open is when a show immediately starts with the story–usually there is no beginning explanation. It is tradition in the group for the seniors to take on this role.
Grevera helped Huy with the show’s opening, and prior to the show he expressed his excitement for Huy’s last hurrah.
“This cold opening is going to be very special because it’s Dan’s last,” said Grevera.
Improv Beyond can also be seen the second Saturday of ever month at the AFA Gallery in Scranton as the opening act for the Scranton based Improv group, Here We Are in Spain.
For more information check out their Facebook.
Contact the writer: [email protected]