Goin’ Bald for Bucks participants donate hair to cancer patients
Photo credit/ Kyle Clouse
Freshman Jenna Fallone gets her hair shaved off for the Goin’ Bald for Bucks fundraiser.
April 16, 2016
Members of the Marywood community recently donated their hair and money to cancer patients.
The event, called Goin’ Bald for Bucks took place 6 to 9 p.m. Monday, April 11 in the Fireplace Lounge of Nazareth Student Center.
The Goin’ Bald for Bucks event encouraged people to get their hair cut as a donation for those who have cancer.
The main organizer of the event, Jenna Fallone, freshman pre-physician assistant major, shaved some of her hair as a pledge and donation for cancer patients. to pledge and then donate it to cancer patients.
Fallone invited friends and shared flyers of the event so the Marywood community was able to attend.
“People can come donate their hair or donate money,” Fallone said. “Some people are spray painting their hair. We’re selling ribbons for the event or even support friends.”
Fallone added that this event is her second time shaving her head for the cause. Last April, she raised about $1,000 through the Goin’ Bald for Bucks fundraiser page.
“For me, it’s knowing you can impact people by doing something. Everyone can make a difference,” said Fallone.
Fallone mentioned the proceeds are benefiting the Wilmot Cancer Institute, 13thirty Cancer Connect and the Roswell Park Cancer Institute.
Lauren Spicker, founder of 13thirty Cancer Connect, visited campus and shared the importance of participating in this event.
“When teens and young adults have cancer, they lose their hair,” Spicker said. “When people participate, it’s one way to show their support for other people their age who don’t voluntarily lose their hair.”
Kelly Sullivan, a junior accounting major, donated nearly ten inches of her hair at the event.
“I just like to raise awareness and help for people who have cancer,” concluded Sullivan.
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