Music Therapy Club hosted the annual Mr. Marywood beauty pageant on campus

Photo credit/ Katlynn Whitaker

Participants Nick Grevera and James Phillips take the stage to compete in the Mr. Marywood pageant.

Esperanza Gutierrez, Assistant Community Editor

The Music Therapy Club held its second annual male pageant on campus, Mr. Marywood.

The event, held from 9 to 10:30 p.m. on April 5, was a free public event for the community. This included an obstacle course, wardrobe changes, acts and questions to be answered by the judges.

Tara Kelly, junior music therapy major and president of the Music Therapy Club, said, “The purpose of the event is to fund-raise for the club through the raffle baskets during the actual event.”

People who attended the event could donate a dollar for an arm’s length of tickets to have a chance to win a raffle basket prize. Donations went to the Music Therapy Club.

Raffle basket prizes included: four free appetizers from Applebee’s; two mugs and two bags of coffee from Starbucks; a $25 gift card for Colarusso’s; a Rita’s coupon basket; a $5 yogurt city gift card; a $25 Hank’s Hoagies gift card; a $25 Uno’s gift card; two coupons for a large pizza from Grande Pizza; a $25 Fratelli’s gift card and six coupons for free yogurt at Yogurt City.

The judges for the event were Tammy Amosson, assistant professor of religious studies; Samantha Christiansen, assistant professor of history and director of women’s studies; Katie Morell, clarinet lecturer, and Anita Gadberry, director of music therapy.

Travis Murray, senior marketing major, and Jessica Malfa, junior music therapy major, were the masters of ceremony for the event.

The participants in the event included: Patrick Hein, graduate student music education major; James Phillips, senior biology major; William Weiss, junior medical technology major; Nicholas Grevera, senior theatre major, and Joseph Buderwitz, junior secondary education major.

“The winner of the event was difficult to choose, names were placed in a hat, and whosoever was chosen won,” according to Amosson.

This year’s Mr. Marywood winner was William Weiss who won an Uno’s dinner for two gift card.

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