Marywood’s National Student Speech Language Hearing Association Chapter wins awards.

October 19, 2014
Marywood’s National Student Speech Language Hearing Association chapter (NSSLHA) has been awarded gold level chapter honors.
According to the NSSLHA, chapter honors are awarded to local chapters that demonstrate a commitment to their core values including philanthropy, community service, career awareness, advocacy, and networking.
“It was nice to receive this award to really give the students the recognition they deserve for how much work they put in,” said Andrea Novak, chair and graduate program director of the communication sciences and disorders department.
This is not the first time the Speech and Language Department has received chapter honors.
“We’ve won in the past. They have different levels of the award and with each increasing level there are more stipulations that need to be met in order to qualify for a particular level,” said Novak.
Last spring was the first time the chapter was ever awarded gold status, which is the chapter’s highest honor.
Novak and the students were notified that they won the award at the end of the spring semester.
The NSSLHA is the student division of the National American Speech and Hearing Association which will hold the award ceremony on Nov. 21 at its annual conference.
At the conference 4th year Communication Sciences and Disorders student, Laura Drake, will also be receiving a members honor award.
Member honors awards are given to students based on their academic achievements, service to the NSSLHA, and their professional conduct.
“I was very excited,” said Drake. “I put a lot of time and a lot of effort into the program since I was a sophomore. I am thrilled to have been nominated by our department chair, Ms. Andrea Novak, and to represent Marywood in this national organization for students of Speech-Language Pathology,” she said.
Marywood’s NSSLHA chapter was also awarded a community service grant of $500 through the NSSLHA during the 2014 spring semester.
The community service grant was for Saint Joseph’s Center.
NSSLHA chapters in good standing are eligible to receive matching funds, up to $1,000, to purchase equipment and/or other materials to donate to a non-profit organization that assists others living with a communicative disorder, according to the NSSHLA.
The community service grant was for Saint Joseph’s Center.
“I am so happy because the student chapter of NSSLHA has really worked hard this year,” said Novak.
Marywood’s NSSLHA chapter will be hosting a Communication Sciences Disorder (CSD) Awareness Day on Nov. 12 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in the Fireplace Lounge.
All Marywood students, faulty, and staff are encouraged to come out and join them.