Marywood President Sr. Mary Persico, IHM, Ed.D recognized members of Marywood’s faculty and staff at the Cor Mariae and Years of Service ceremonies.
Sr. Kathleen Burns, IHM, Juneann Greco, John Meza, Dr. David J. Palmiter, Dr. Sheri A. Skrutski and Wendy Yankelitis were formally inducted and honored for their years of Distinguished Vicennial Service to Marywood during the Investiture Ceremony of The Order: Cor Mariae Pro Fide Et Cultura on April 8 in the Liguori Center of Regina Hall.
Cor Mariae Pro Fide Et Cultura Years of Service Honorees consisted of Dr. Michael Mirabito for 25 years of service, Dr. Edward J. O’Brien for 35 years of service, Dr. Alan M. Levine for 40 years of service and Peter T. Hoffer for 45 years of service.
On Wednesday, April 11, Donald W. Bidwell, Kathleen L. Cantarella, Lynn Muskey, Mark Pitely, Lois Ann Santarsiero, Carrie Bowen Toomey and Christine Carroll Zwick were honored with the Sister Theresa Maxis, IHM Service Award during the Years of Service ceremony in the Latour Room of the Nazareth Student Center.
Faculty and staff who were honored for their years of service are as follows:
20 Years of Service:
- Donald W. Bidwell
- Sr. Kathleen Burns, IHM
- Kathleen L. Cantarella
- Juneann Greco
- John Meza
- Lynn Muskey
- Dr. David J. Palmiter
- Mark Pitely
- Lois Ann Santarsiero
- Carrie Bowen Toomey
- Wendy Yankelitis
- Christine Carroll Zwick
25 Years of Service:
- George R. Carpentier, Jr.
- Dr. Michael Mirabito
- Sheryl Lynn Sochoka
- Candra Yurkanin

30 Years of Service:
- Kay McClintock
- Joseph Michael Vladika
35 Years of Service:
- Karen E. Boland
- William Deininger
- Sean Durkan
- Dr. Edward J. O’Brien
40 Years of Service:
- Dr. Alan M. Levine
45 Years of Service:
- Peter T. Hoffer
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Twitter: @JKucharskiTWW