NEWS BRIEF: Fish rescued from Learning Commons fountain
Photo credit/ Photo Courtesy of Colin Foley
The fish, which had been nicknamed PBJ, was in the care of freshman architecture students.
UPDATE: After this article was written, The Wood Word was informed by Colin Foley, that the fish that was found in the Learning Commons fountain has since died.
Marywood students who utilize the Marywood App were alerted Wednesday afternoon that a fish was inside of the fountain in the Learning Commons. The post by Marywood student Melissa Bostjancic read “Anyone lose (sic) a fish in the LC fountain?” A small crowd gathered near the circulation desk to check that the posting was real. It was. Junior social work student Sophia York said she saw the fish as it was attempting to be rescued by bystanders.
“When we got on the scene, a medium Starbucks cup was already being used to try and scoop him up. The person who was doing this was very unsuccessful. Then we just stood around trying to figure out what to do because we did not want maintenance getting him,” said York in an email.
Colin Foley, a first year aviation student, was the first person to attempt to rescue the fish in the Starbucks cup. Freshman architecture student Zoë Resto eventually caught the fish with the help of another student using their hands to guide the fish into the cup.
A follow up post on the Marywood App showed the goldfish in the Starbucks cup it was rescued in. According to Resto, the fish is now in the care of freshmen architecture students who have named him Phillipé Bilbao Jun’Ya, a.k.a. PBJ. The name comes from several famous architects.
York expressed her desire for a different outcome for PBJ.
“I think he should’ve stayed and been a new Marywood mascot; however I do understand that the chemicals would have affected him,” said York.
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Emma is a senior Multimedia Journalism major and serves as both the Managing Editor and Opinion Editor for the Wood Word. She is also the main anchor for...