NEWS BRIEF: Marywood to offer new executive format of MPA program
Photo credit/ Sabrina Resuta
Marywood is making adjustments to their MPA program.
Marywood University’s Masters of Public Administration program is going to be offered in a new format beginning in the Fall 2023 semester. The format will benefit professionals who have received their undergraduate degree within the last five years. In return for their experience, they will be able to waive certain courses.
The idea for the executive format came from Dr. Alex Dawoody, director of the Masters of Public Administration program. He emphasized that the new format will offer more opportunities for professionals to continue their education.
“There are more universities doing this for those who feel the need to experience being a student. We’ve added an experience,” stated Dawoody.
This new format will upgrade the program and allow professionals to “connect academia and experience.” With their experience, professionals will have the opportunity to further build their career with a degree and do it on their own time.
“[The] executive Masters of Public Administration [program] is a way for professionals to count their experience toward their degree,” explained Jim Sullivan, Dean of Professional Studies.
The course elective requirement will be the only change, as experience will count in the place of certain classes.
“We are offering an expedited route to a degree,” stated Sullivan.
Some of the many benefits for this new format are cost efficiency, saved time, and the professionals’ experience is valued.
The new format for this program will help Marywood by “continuing to serve its mission, through academic programs, to offer more opportunities, along with growing enrollment,” said Sullivan.
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Sabrina Resuta is a junior graphic design major and the lead designer for the Wood Word. Sabrina is also a part of Zeta Omicron, Marywood’s art honor...