Nuns on the Bus & Friends started their three-week nationwide tour in Philadelphia on Sept. 30 and made a stop at Marywood’s campus on Tuesday as part of their 2024 “Vote Our Future” tour.
NETWORK, the company that runs Nuns on the Bus, started in 1972 and was comprised of Catholic Sisters. Since its beginnings, NETWORK has traveled across the country to discuss housing, taxes and more importantly, voting and democracy.
Started in 2012, Nuns on the Bus has advocated for topics such as the economy, voter turnout and the importance of voting. This year’s theme discusses multi-issue voting. Multi-issue voting is when multiple issues influence who or what policies you vote for.
The mantra for this talk was “Everyone Thrives, No Exceptions.” The group prioritizes working with the community to solve major issues.
NETWORK outlines the issues it finds important through freedoms that all Americans should have. The six freedoms they discussed were the freedom to care for ourselves and our families, freedom to be healthy, freedom from harm, freedom to participate in a vibrant democracy, freedom to live on a healthy planet and freedom to live in a welcoming country that values dignity and human rights.
Nuns on the Bus & Friends asked to reflect on what Scranton would look like if it was thriving. Groups mentioned affordable housing, less access to assault weapons and livable wages. One member shared his thoughts: “There are no red or blue states. We are the United States.”
Sr. Erin McDonald from the Sisters of St. Joseph made a call to action. She urges voters to make a voting plan, know who and what is on the ballot and share resources to those around you.
Sr. Robbie Pentecost of the Sisters of St. Francis discussed her experience on the bus, having traveled three times before. Pentecost states, “It’s not just us on the bus, but you too. The hope leads us to make change.”
The event ended with all the guests going outside and signing the bus. They wrote down their names and any messages that can inspire others.
Nuns on the Bus plans to end their national tour on Oct. 18 in San Francisco. For more information on how to stay informed in the upcoming weeks, visit NETWORK.
Contact the writers: fegivens@m.marywood.edu, fflettini@m.marywood.edu