10 Questions with an Athlete: Lindsey Schroth, Basketball

December 5, 2012
Major : Business and Fashion Management and Marketing
Year : Sophomore
Hometown: Moosic, Pa
1) How did you get into the game of basketball?
My older brother played and I did everything he did.
2) What has been your favorite moment in your basketball career?
Winning the Lynett Tournament in my senior year of high school at Scranton Prep.
3) What is your “before game” routine?
I really just listen to some music to get motivated and pumped before each game so I can have the high energy needed to play my best.
4) What is your goal for the team this year?
My one big goal for the team this year is to win the CSAC Championship.
5) What advice would you give to students looking to play a sport in college?
Work hard in practice and leave it all on the floor both during the game and while practicing.
6) Who is your role model in basketball?
Jimmer Fredette is my role model in basketball. He played for BYU and now plays for the Sacremento Kings and is one of the best offensive players in the game.
7) What do you like to do in your free time?
I love spending time with friends and I also love running.
8) How would you describe yourself to someone who did not know you? (i like this question! 🙂
I am a committed, accountable, and caring person.
9) What kindS of lessons have you learned through playing a sport?
Hard work and dedication pay off in every aspect of your life. I have also learned that time management is crucial in order to be successful both on and off the court.
10) Where would you like to see yourself in ten years?
Hopefully, I will be in NYC working as a buyer for a fashion company!