10 Questions with an Athlete: Ian Stout, Basketball

Ian Stout

Evan Felser, Assistant Sports Editor

Year: Freshman

Major: Athletic Training


Q: When did you start playing basketball?

A: I started playing basketball in a community youth league when I was six years old.


Q: Do you have any pre-game rituals before you go on the court?

A: I like to listen to Eminem and Drake before games. It helps me relax and stay calm.


Q: What is a valuable lesson that you have learned from playing basketball?

A: Play every minute like it is your last because you only get so many opportunities.


Q: Who is your favorite NBA player? Why?

A: Michael Jordan because he is the greatest to play the game.


Q: Who is your favorite NBA team? Why?

A: The Philadelphia 76ers because they play the game with heart. They play hard and together.


Q: What is your most memorable basketball moment?

A: Beating Baptist Bible at home and being honored player of the game with my teammate Shane Kellaher.


Q: What are the strong points of your game?

A: Rebounding and defense.


Q: What skills can you improve to make your game better?

A: Ball handling and shooting.


Q: How has basketball helped you become the person you are today?

A: It has helped me be more responsible and taught me to work together with   people.


Q: What do you plan on doing after Marywood?

A: Becoming an athletic trainer at a college/university.