Day in the Life of Student Athlete: Scott Slater
Photo credit/ Alex Weidner
Scott Slater, a junior, accounting major, is taking a break during conditioning lacrosse practice during the off season. During the practice the members of the team are running spirits and laps around the gym.
November 16, 2014
Scott Slater, a junior accounting major, will be taking the field for his third year playing lacrosse at Marywood. He has played the sport for nine years.
From Cicero, New York, Slater plays attackman, the chief goal-scoring position. Last season, Slater with 39 goals led the team.
On a school day, Slater usually wakes up around six in the morning, eats a granola bar or a light breakfast, showers, then goes to his morning class.
During pre-season, Slater lifts weights at least three times a week, does agility workouts at least twice a week, and attends two captain’s practices every week.
“We’re going for a Conference Championship,” Slater said confidently. Last season the men’s lacrosse team was runner up for CSAC (Colonial States Athletic Conference) Championship to Cabrini. He is also looking to better his last year’s 39-goal record.
Tyler Perrelle, first-year head coach of Men’s Lacrosse, said Slater is a hardworking, good kid.
“Slater’s one of those quiet leaders who is all business,” said Perrelle, who was the team’s assistant coach last year.
In his free time, he likes to hang out with friends or relax. Slater is known by his teammates and coaches for being a big Syracuse and Patriots fan. His inspiration is New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady.
Perrelle also said Slater is an unselfish player who is constantly looking out for his team’s success rather than his own.
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