In its infancy, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a key component of streamlining basic (and sometimes not-so-basic) everyday tasks. Its existence essentially eliminates the need for humans in certain professional settings.
Programs such as ChatGPT, Meta AI and even Grammarly are rising to fame, not only in professional environments but in educational, as well. According to the Pew Research Center, about 1 in 5 teens throughout the United States has used artificial intelligence for homework help in some capacity. This ranges from exploring research topics, to solving complex math problems and even as far as writing essays, though I hope we all know the ethical issues associated with that.
Bookkeeping, data analysis and even customer service jobs are the most vulnerable to be assumed by AI. Companies will oftentimes try to cut costs (aka salaries) and improve efficiency in any way they can, and although still a new technology, AI checks off both of those boxes.
But what is to come of the architecture and design industry – an industry founded on human imagination, contextual awareness and creative problem-solving? As an architecture student myself, I can’t help but wonder in what ways this tool can be used to my own advantage, and where is the line that governs ethical concerns within both an educational and professional setting?
In my experience, I have witnessed professionals use ChatGPT to construct email responses whereas my peers in school have used it for project descriptions. Visual (rendering) programs such as Adobe Photoshop’s Generative Image/Fill and Midjourney are used as inspiration for early design iterations, but not to be copied and pasted into a 3D modeling software. Archistar, a program tailored to the expertise of landscape architects and civil engineers, allows users to analyze specific site data for feasibility studies. The list of tools goes on and on.
Norwegian software engineer Carl Christensen co-founded Spacemaker in 2016, an AI tool specializing in project site conditions. Not only does the program determine sun, wind and energy requirements, but the information is able to be broken down for designers, clients and shareholders to understand, allowing all parties to have a collective, well-rounded conversation. Spacemaker was purchased and rebranded to Forma by Autodesk in 2021.
AI tools don’t just streamline processes for clients and shareholders, though; some can improve productivity for architects and designers. Chaos Enscape Impact, for example, is an add-on software for building performance analysis, allowing users to determine efficient orientation, materials, structural systems, etc. for their project. As an avid user of Enscape, as well as someone interested in sustainable practices, the implementation of this program would significantly improve not only the quality of my designs but also just the ease of workflow. While requiring minimal data entry and immediate model simulations, the add-on allows you to consider sustainability from the start, not just as an afterthought down the road.
While environmental impacts and collaboration are evident advantages to artificial intelligence, it’s still crucial to recognize and understand its flaws. Depending on how each AI software is “trained,” some spit out the same visualizations and information, lacking original thought. Security and data breaches are to be anticipated due to AI’s ever-expanding footprint across the internet and lastly, as with all new technology, there will be a significant learning curve to using these programs which could eventually lead to an unhealthy dependence on technology (though that is something we already see today with social media).
Artificial intelligence has become and will continue to be an effective tool for architects and the design industry, but it is not knowledgeable enough to take our jobs. Sure, large-scale projects become less intense as the software can automatically spit out complex ideas and renderings in seconds; AI can analyze site conditions and project requirements and break information down into everyday jargon; it can even assess building performance for sustainability goals.
Despite all of this, artificial intelligence lacks the emotional ability to work with, connect with and relate to other humans, an essential quality required to meet client and community needs.
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