The Shrine of the Sacred Heart statue in front of the Natural Sciences Center has been vandalized. A hand of the statue has been broken off. This is the third Marywood University statue to be vandalized in recent months. Before the fall 2012 semester began, the St. Alphonsus Liguori statue by the Marywood Arch and the Our Lady of Victory statue had been intentionally damaged. Marywood University Chief of Campus Safety Michael Finegan has stated that “Three statues have been vandalized, but there is no evidence that they are connected. We can make that assumption.” All three statues will be taken off campus for repairs but when they will return is still unknown. Local police have been informed of the vandalism and Campus Security officers are making extra rounds each evening to prevent further incidents like these. “We try to take preventative measures” said Chief Finegan. “You can do what you can do, but it can never be totally stopped.”

- Shrine of the Sacred Heart damaged hand